Frequently Asked Questions

  • This is a very frequent question in the OT world with many different opinions. At Kid Power, we don’t believe there is a difference but more so these two categories are intertwined. Everyone has sensory needs just like everyone has behaviors-good and bad. Behavior is communication of our body’s sensory and emotional regulation needs. Sometimes those behavoirs can be labeled as disruptive, manipulative, or “getting out of something”, but it really comes back to a form of dysregulation. As OTs we look to see what sensory regulation strategies and supports we can give a person to help them communicate those dysregulation needs in a more functional manner.on text goes here

  • We LOVE to learn at Kid Power and because of that our therapists are constantly learning and being trained in many different modalities. Collectively as a practice our therapists have training in bodywork, sensory integration, DIR Floortime, play therapy, therapeutic listening programs, trauma senstive interventions, feeding programs, and various regulation modalities.

  • Occupational therapy services cover a wide array of skills. A question you can ask yourself is are the concerns your have impacting the child’s ability to function in different settings or maybe you feel like something is impeding on their ability to be their best selves. Occupational therapy services cover areas from motor skills to regulation to mental health and so many things in between. Contact us and we’d love to hear more about your concerns and needs so we can discuss further if occupatioanl therapy is a possible support.

  • Speech therapy recruits many different areas of the brain in order to access skills and development for areas that speech therapy supports. It requires attention, engagement, and attunement; if the body is not organized it is usually overworking in order to try to attend, engage, and attune which then can take away from the participation and focus in speech therapy. With OT services, the body and sensory system can be addressed in order to be more available for learning and growing in their speech therapy. OT and Speech make great partnering supports and have been seen to increase progress in both disciplines.

  • We love our therapists and the work they do!! Occupational therapy services target sensory and emotional regulation from a framework that focuses on the body and nervous system. When the body has a more developed foundation for emotional and sensory regulation it creates a sense of body safety and allows for growth in other mental health supports.

  • Sensory integration can also be described as sensory processing. It is process in which our body and nervous system take in information about our world and inner body. It then helps us navigate the best way to respond. There can be disruption in the way our body’s receive the information or how it organizes that information to respond…or both! Everything we do, all day long (and even when we are sleeping!) involves our senses and need for sensory processing.

    • Interoception is identified as the “8th Sense”. It is one of our senses that tells us sensory information from the inside. Sensory experiences such as: thirst, hunger, heart rate, feeling the need to go to the bathroom, pain. This system is so intertwined in our other sensory systems. If we don’t know what sensory signals our body is giving us that it makes it really hard to advocate for strategies or self regulate. It also can be very overwhelming and frustrating to not get accurate information from the body and in turn not getting body needs met. Overtime, this can create a sense of unsafety in the body making it very difficult to access and engage with our world. 

    • Kid Power proudly serves the communities within the Kenosha and Lake County areas. We have various ways to provide services. We offer telehealth options, varying community site based options, school & daycare opportunities, home visits, and we have a clinic site in Kenosha. Please contact us and we would be happy to discuss site options that best fit your family's needs.